Mozzi  version v2.0
sound synthesis library for Arduino
Mozzi on Arduino Uno R4 - Renesas.

port by Thomas Combriat

Port status and notes

Compiles and runs using Arduino's standard library (Renesas 0.8.7 at the time of this writing).

A few particularities:

  • Because this board has an on-board DAC (A0), but only one, STEREO is not implemented and Mozzi uses this pin. Usage of other pins using PWM for instance is not implemented yet.
  • getAudioInput() and mozziAnalogRead() return values in the Renesas' full ADC resolution of 0-16384 rather than AVR's 0-1023. This might change in the near future for speed purposes.

Output modes

The following audio modes (see MOZZI_AUDIO_MODE) are currently supported on this hardware:


The default mode is MOZZI_OUTPUT_INTERNAL_DAC. Further modes may be added in the future.


This uses the inbuild DAC on the board on pin A0. Mono output only, and the pin is not configurable. Audio resolution is also fixed at 12 bits (which is what the board supports).

This mode claims two timers (but it is not hardcoded, which ones).


MOZZI_OUTPUT_EXTERNAL_TIMED claimes one timer, MOZZI_OUTPUT_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM does not claim any timer. See External audio output