port by Thomas Friedrichsmeier & Thomas Combriat
Compiles and runs using Arduino's standard and Arduino_AdvancedAnalog libraries. This port is still experimental, testing reveals some instabilities for some configurations (in particular with MOZZI_AUDIO_INPUT) that are under active investigations.
This port is not complete yet, in particular:
relays to analogRead()
. (Note that MOZZI_AUDIO_INPUT is implemented!)The following audio modes (see MOZZI_AUDIO_MODE) are currently supported on this hardware:
The default mode is MOZZI_OUTPUT_INTERNAL_DAC .
This uses the inbuild DAC on the board. The default is setting is appropriate for the Arduino Giga: 12 bits going to A13 (3.5mm jack connector's tip), and in stereo mode to pin A12 (3.5mm jack connector's first ring) additionally.
For other boards is may be appropriate to customize:
Returns a pulse-density modulated (mono only) signal on one of the hardware UARTs of the board (Serial ports). Default is using the SERIAL2, on pin D18. You can confiugre the pins to use, but it must be connected to a hardware UART. Output is written to the TX pin, only, but the RX pin needs to be claimed as well. Beware of confusing pinout labelling, for instance SERIAL2_TX iss labelled "TX1" on the Arduino Giga. The audio resolution can be enhanced using MOZZI_PDM_RESOLUTION, which is described in more detail here: @esp32_pdm_via_i2s .
Configuration options: