Mozzi, an Introductory Tutorial
This shows how to set up an Arduino with Mozzi from scratch and use analog inputs to make sounds using a knob, light sensing, pressure, and a switch (on a digital input).

Anatomy of a Mozzi sketch
A detailed introduction to the parts of a Mozzi sketch, showing how to use an oscillator to generate audio and control signals.

Output Modes
Where to connect your audio hardware to your MCU, and the different mode available for high quality sound output.

Output Circuits
Hardware filtering of undesired frequencies (carrier frequency noise which some people can hear in the regular PWM modes), and amplification circuits.

Configuring Mozzi
So you’ve read about all these available configuration options, but just how to use them?

Porting old sketches to a new Mozzi
Your old sketch no longer compiles, or only with a bunch of warnings? Usually only some very minor adjustments are needed. See this guide for what may have to be changed.

Hints and Tips
What kind of code Mozzi likes best, debugging and monitoring your sketches.

Under the Hood
Outlines how Mozzi works behind the scenes.

Frequently Asked Questions