Simplistic framework for creating and handling displays and controls on a web page served by an embeddable device (Arduino or other microcontroller with Arduino support).
CEmbAJAXBase | Abstract base class for anything shown on an EmbAJAXPage |
CEmbAJAXCheckButton | A checkable (option) button |
CEmbAJAXColorPicker | A color picker element (<input type="color">) |
CEmbAJAXConnectionIndicator | Connection status indicator |
CEmbAJAXContainer | Base class for groups of objects |
CEmbAJAXElement | Abstract base class for modifiable elements |
CEmbAJAXHideableContainer | A list of objects that can be hidden, completely |
CEmbAJAXJoystick | |
CEmbAJAXMomentaryButton | A momentary "press-and-hold" button |
CEmbAJAXMutableSpan | An HTML span element with content that can be updated from the server (not the client) |
CEmbAJAXOptionSelect | Drop-down list of selectable options |
CEmbAJAXOptionSelectBase | Abstract base class for EmbAJAXOptionSelect |
CEmbAJAXOutputDriverBase | Abstract base class for output drivers/server implementations |
CEmbAJAXOutputDriverESPAsync | Output driver implementation. This implementation works with ESPAsyncWebServer (https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer) |
CEmbAJAXOutputDriverGeneric | Output driver implementation. This implementation should work for most arduino web servers with minimal adjustmnets |
CEmbAJAXPage | The main interface class |
CEmbAJAXPageBase | Absrract internal helper class |
CEmbAJAXPushButton | A push-button |
CEmbAJAXRadioGroup | A set of radio buttons (mutally exclusive buttons), e.g. for on/off, or low/mid/high, etc |
CEmbAJAXRadioGroupBase | Abstract base for EmbAJAXRadioGroup, needed for internal reasons |
CEmbAJAXScriptedSpan | A span element containing a custom javascript script, meant to creating custom dispays |
CEmbAJAXSlider | An HTML span element with content that can be updated from the server (not the client) |
CEmbAJAXStatic | A static chunk of HTML |
CEmbAJAXTextInput | A text input field |
CEmbAJAXValidatingTextInput |