Simplistic framework for creating and handling displays and controls on a web page served by an embeddable device (Arduino or other microcontroller with Arduino support).
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CEmbAJAXBaseAbstract base class for anything shown on an EmbAJAXPage
 CEmbAJAXCheckButtonA checkable (option) button
 CEmbAJAXColorPickerA color picker element (<input type="color">)
 CEmbAJAXConnectionIndicatorConnection status indicator
 CEmbAJAXContainerBase class for groups of objects
 CEmbAJAXElementAbstract base class for modifiable elements
 CEmbAJAXHideableContainerA list of objects that can be hidden, completely
 CEmbAJAXMomentaryButtonA momentary "press-and-hold" button
 CEmbAJAXMutableSpanAn HTML span element with content that can be updated from the server (not the client)
 CEmbAJAXOptionSelectDrop-down list of selectable options
 CEmbAJAXOptionSelectBaseAbstract base class for EmbAJAXOptionSelect
 CEmbAJAXOutputDriverBaseAbstract base class for output drivers/server implementations
 CEmbAJAXOutputDriverESPAsyncOutput driver implementation. This implementation works with ESPAsyncWebServer (https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer)
 CEmbAJAXOutputDriverGenericOutput driver implementation. This implementation should work for most arduino web servers with minimal adjustmnets
 CEmbAJAXPageThe main interface class
 CEmbAJAXPageBaseAbsrract internal helper class
 CEmbAJAXPushButtonA push-button
 CEmbAJAXRadioGroupA set of radio buttons (mutally exclusive buttons), e.g. for on/off, or low/mid/high, etc
 CEmbAJAXRadioGroupBaseAbstract base for EmbAJAXRadioGroup, needed for internal reasons
 CEmbAJAXScriptedSpanA span element containing a custom javascript script, meant to creating custom dispays
 CEmbAJAXSliderAn HTML span element with content that can be updated from the server (not the client)
 CEmbAJAXStaticA static chunk of HTML
 CEmbAJAXTextInputA text input field